Fish or pump iron

Will be a loooong time until I’m lifting anything like that

Just a little into the fifth months into the year and I’ve got an average price if a trip to the gym of $28.16. That’s a figure even the muscle heads who look at me with disdain when I take off my shirt in the locker room can calculate to being pathetic.

Apply a little 8th grade algebra and I can figure out that I need to hit the McFit treadmill 20 times in May to bring the price down and total gym-trip frequency to the four-times-a-month New Year’s resolution that didn’t last until February. Even armed with the best of intentions and confronting weight that is climbing in a depressing – but oh so delicious – spiral of chocolate, wine and computer games, willpower seems to have settled down with the coworker across the office training for the Helsinki Marathon later this summer.

And good luck to him.

My bar is lower. And much closer to home.

Thanks to midiman for the CC photo!

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