Who turned off the babysitter?

Kids watching TV

Thank god Her2 just celebrated her second birthday. I don’t know at I would do without being able to turn on the babysitter.

Seriously people, is there someone out there who really thought that TV was a good way for infants to spend their time? Bring it back to your own life: Do feel good about yourself when you get up from the sofa after watching two hours of the boob tube? Wouldn’t you rather have spent your time doing something more productive?

I’ll admit to being a sinner in this sense just like the next guy (well, maybe a little less than the next guy, but whatevs). I can enjoy an Entourage binge (how could you leave us, Vince?) or a Game of Thrones-a-thon (Spring 2012 is coming, thankfully), but pretty much every time I’m done watching Grey’s Anatomy I get up and curse my weak to non-existent will power and self for not having gone to the gym instead.

If it’s not good for us adults, it’s certainly no good for the kids. Looking for alternatives?

Turn off the TV and…

  • Turn on some music for a dance party (eventually there will be a video of me and the Hers1&2 rocking out in the living room). This one is always a favorite:
  • Open a new can of Play-Doh. Yeah, I still open the cans. The cream of tartar secret ingredient to the DIY stuff is in the cabinet waiting — which probably qualifies as a second thing so…
  • Make your own Play-Doh
  • Hide-and-go-seek. I love this game. When I’m seeking, I’ll count extremely slowly and enjoy the quiet. Sometimes I’ll even manage to grab a book or write an email in the peace and quiet that is Her1 hiding mostly silently like a log under her covers. Her2, sadly, doesn’t grasp the point of the game, so we play mostly while she’s napping

I’ll be back with more when it occurs to me. Till then, thanks to c.r.avery for the CC photo.

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